• RE-CORTA at the E-ON plant

RE-CORTA at the E-ON plant

Andritz Hydro, a global leader in plant supply, equipment and services for hydropower plants, has Relied on RE-CORTA, Demolición Técnica, S.L. cooperation to perform diamond wire sawing works at the Arbon Hydropower Plant, situated in Asturias.

Several diamond sawing tools’ equipments were transported to the plant by Re-Corta, among whichare the wall sawing, wire sawing equipment, and drilling equipment. Sludge suction equipment has also been moved to the worksite to collect and optimally prepare it for further management.

Arbon’s Reservoir is a Spanish reservoir situated in the west of Asturias on the River Navia. It was inaugurated in 1967 and has a capacity of 38.20 hm3. It constitutes the first hydroelectric Navia River. The Dam is only 12 km from the mouth of the Bay of Biscay . The Doiras and Salime reservoirs are situated respectively.

Its dam is in the Arbon parish, in the Villayón council, on the border with the Coaña county. Besides these two, its waters extend across the Boal council. Its main use is hydroelectric, but is also used for sports and leisure activities. Navia River in the Arbon reservoir receives water from the Riofrio & Cabornel rivers.

The Arbon Plant is a hydropower plant situated in the Arbon reservoir’s vicinity. It has two generators, Arbon I & Arbon II, which began commercial operation in 1967 and 1968 respectively, of 28 MW each. It belongs to the Electra de Viesgo company, E.ON Spain today, and evacuates its energy through a network of 132 kV.

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